Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Catch up

Well, as I signed in today, it really hit home that I've been a slacker!  This is my first post in 2010?!?  I don't really have much as an excuse...I can't even say that I've been extremely busy. Truthfully our life is pretty boring here.  Do you really want to read about me doing the dishes by hand every day?  Playing with puzzles/legos/books/trains/kitchen with H?  Didn't think so.  Here's my attempt at catching you up on a few interesting things that may have happened in the months since my last update.

??  I guess we spent this time preparing for our trip to France.  I know we went to Dubai once to go to the mall.  We bought a couple items at the Columbia store in anticipation of the cold weather.

Oh, other big January news...we found out baby number 2 was another BOY!

We spent several weeks in Paris visiting my grandparents.  H and I stayed for 3 weeks, E had to return to Al Ain after 2 weeks (The Employer shortened the vacation by a week in late December).  There was also a "sister reunion."  My little sister flew in from Edinburgh and my older sister flew in from Atlanta to spend time with me and H.  I'll post a few pictures soon.

Ummmmm.  I really can't remember anything of much importance happening during the month of March (other than AC's birthday!).

I turned 30 on April 1st.  We had a low key dinner with a few of our neighbors/friends.  Hudson broke our camera lens that night so we were camera-less until our recent purchase of a cheapy point and shoot.

H started swimming lessons.  He was really enjoying them until our recent lessons where he has had to put his head underwater.  We have one more lesson left (!!) and he has made quite a bit of progress.  We will try to continue the lessons either this summer in France or when we return in September.  Right now, though, it is very tiring for me (37 1/2 weeks pregnant and all) to participate so they will be on hold for a bit.

May is actually turning out to be a busy month!  H's 3rd birthday is on the 23rd, my mom arrives on the 25th, H's birthday party is on the 28th, and my little sis arrives on the 31st.  And baby arrives on????  He is due on June 5th and I'd like him to wait until these events are over but before June 3rd because I do not want to go to my last doctor's appointment (loooooooong story, but overall I am very unimpressed with the medical options here).

I'll do a post on H's birthday party after it occurs.

Coming up next...an apartment tour!  About time you guys get to see where we live, right?  First up will be H's room. : )

Sneak peek:

Oh!  And for those of you who were waiting with bated breath for the result of my last post (re: the pacifier)....as usual, H was super easy.  He cried maybe once or twice for it, but never asked for them after it was explained to him that he no longer needed them.  Transition time: about 2 days.


  1. Hooray for a post! It was nice to read the summary (even though I was aware of it all). Loved seeing Berlingo and Puppy Dog on H's bed. And forgot all about the pacifier--2 days... aw... I'm so proud. Can't wait for the next post (hopefully before bambinino's arrival!). xox

  2. December 2009, May 2010,...looks like we're due for another post?

    I enjoyed reading your comments on my blog and am glad I found my way to yours! (BTW, I saw in my stats that I had a reader from the UAE, and I was pretty sure it was you.)

    Hugs all around!
