Saturday, September 12, 2009

Last Night

Last night, we experienced our first sand/rain storm in Al Ain. We noticed the wind was picking up and went out on the balcony. Here's our view from the balcony if we lean out. Notice the cloud of dust at the top of the picture.

This is our actual, straight-on view from our balcony. Lovely air conditioning units (this is only a partial view). This is still mainly dust and sand (and trash) flying around.

We probably spent 15 minutes trying to get a picture of the lightning. This is the only one E got. Lighting is fast!

More of the air conditioning units after the rain finally started.

The wind was really strong and when we went on a walk this morning, we saw a lot of broken tree branches on the ground.

On another note, yesterday we went to the grocery store to get some supplies. E wanted to get some paper towels and we grabbed these:

Later, I was reading something on the internet and I hear E say "Is this what paper towels are?" and as I look over, he is holding this up:

HA! Now that I look at the first picture, I can see they are obviously not paper towels but in the store they really looked that way. I guess we need to start being more observant.

Anyway, now we are stuck with lots of toilet paper for cleaning the counters of our make shift kitchen. I'll post pictures of that soon.


  1. I was going to recommend that you demand a room with a better view, but sources at Abudhablog seem to imply that the staff will be nowhere near as helpful as necessary. Which reminds me, have they repaired the fire damage you caused yet?

  2. That was the other hotel...I'm hoping they didn't notice since it was underneath the desk. I wish we had switched because it turns out the other part of the hotel has free internet. But now that we've paid for a month, I think we're staying put.
